1 d, SYN-flood. Even though SQL-injections and session replay can increase your CPU load, a SYN-flood is a Denial of Service attack. 2 a, Port 23. SSH should be used instead of the unencrypted Telnet. 3 c, Minimum password age 4 b, RAID 1 uses two drives, with the second drive used for mirroring. 5 a, Mantrap. This is the only one of the four options that physically stops someone from walking in the front door. 6 d, Kerberos. Only Kerberos uses tickets. 7 a, Public cloud. Your data is contained to your environment, but you share physical servers with other clients. 8 c, FERPA. SOX and GBLA are for financial institutions, and the GDPR most likely does not apply to you. 9 Least to most: Cloud back-up, Local back-up, Local logs, System memory, Routing table, L3 CPU cache 10 1. Firewall, 2. NIPS, 3. Router, 4. Switch, 5. HIDS