Changes in CISSP: 2021 versus 2018
In April 2020, we wrote an article on the then current 2018 version of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Body of Knowledge and provided a free study template. Technology evolves in a rapid pace, and with that the risks to an organisation’s information assets. The capabilities of and tools available to malicious actors…
Joost Krapels
Access Management: an introduction
Identity and Access Management, or IAM for short, is one of the cornerstones of Information Security. Organisations cannot protect the confidentiality, itegrity and availability of information entrusted to them if it can be seen, altered and deleted by anyone who simply desires to do so. In Information Security, we call the sequential steps required for…
Joost Krapels
Free CISSP 2018 body of knowledge study template
The Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) certification is a way for security engineers, managers, executives, and consultants to show they have a firm grasp of the technical and organizational aspects of Information Security. The official study guide provided by (ISC)², the organization behind CISSP, contains 948 pages of study material divided over eight domains….
Joost Krapels