Computers and Society Research Journal

“Computers and Society Research Journal” is a free to publish, open access journal. We publish research results in the field of Computers and Society, including results on AI and Ethics, IT project management and social aspects of software engineering, using AI on real world applications, GDPR, and IT and law.

Com. Soc. Res. J. https://doi.org/10.54822/PHQK9798

Articles 2025

Articles 2022

Articles 2021

Aims and Scope

Computers and Society Research Journal is a free and open platform for publishing inter-disciplinary research on all aspects of the interaction between IT and society, including but not limited to AI and Ethics, IT project management, using AI on real world data, research into GDPR compliance, and IT and law.

The following is a list of topics that we are interested in. This is not a limited list, contributions in other emergent fields are welcome:

  • Ethics and AI
  • Ethics and Privacy applied to computer science research
  • Online tools for GDPR
  • Business Process Mining
  • Copyright and intellectual property on software
  • Software engineering research
  • Fairness and Transparency of Algorithms

Our values and principles

Computers and Society Research Journal is a completely free, completely open research journal:

  • All articles are available to all readers, without any charges or restrictions
  • Authors never have to pay any fees for publication of their work. All submitted articles are accepted purely on their merits, not based on any payment.

We believe that this model is the best and only way to promote and distribute research and that our model enables people without sponsors or grants to publish their research effectively.

Computers and Society Research Journal also supports and encourages authors to publish not just research papers, but also to publish reusable artifacts, including source code, data sets, surveys and survey material and other resources that can be used to replicate results or conduct further research. Authors are encouraged to check if the following ideas are applicable to their research:

  • Make datasets accessible as  FAIR data
  • Publish source code in an online repository (github, sourceforge, kaggle) under an open source licence
  • Make images and other resources available as Creative Commons
  • Make prototypes, tools and resources available as interactive websites, to enable readers to interact with the research results. Good examples of practical tools we encourage are for instance thispersondoesnotexist.com, Moral Machine dilemma, privacy statement generators such as from veilig internetten, published data sets such as car photos, fashion, handwriting.

Our sponsors

The Computers and Society Research Journal is not a commercial. All editors, board members and authors contribute their time for free. In many cases this is possible because they have an employer that enables them to spend time on research.

The hosting and digital distribution cossts of CSRJ are minimal because we publish online. These costs are paid by ICT Institute, a Dutch consultancy and advisory firm. We do not rely on advertising and do not plan to allow any advertising.

Editorial boards

Editor in Chief

  • Dr. Sieuwert van Otterloo, Ph.D. from University of Liverpool, currently working at ICT Institute. Researchgate profile.

Editorial Committee (listed alphabetically)

  • Dr. Huib Aldewereld. Lecturer at Utrecht University of Applied sciences. Researchgate profile.
  • Dr. Yiannis Kanellopoulos. Ph.D. from University of Manchester. Founder of Code4Thought. Researchgate profile.
  • Dr. Stefan Leijnen, Ph.D from Universiteit Nijmegen, professor at Utrecht University of Applied sciences. Researchgate profile.

Information for authors

You can submit articles and article ideas directly to our editor (Sieuwert van Otterloo). He can be reached via “firstname” “at” “ictinstitute.nl”. Submission can be done in PDF. Any submission must meet the following criteria in order to be considered:

  • The submission must be formatted as a journal paper, including title, abstract, introduction and conclusion. The research must have references to existing academic literature. We encourage people to use Latex for their submission since any final paper must be formatted in Latex.
  • The paper must make a novel contribution to the field of Computers and Society, including applied computer science, data science, AI and Machine Learning. It should be explained in the text what the current state of the art is and what the contribution of the paper is.
  • The research must be original, not published in any journal yet. We alllow results previously published as preprints or in workshops and conferences, as long as this is indicated clearly and the text is extended and improved compared to the previous version. We encourage graduates and supervisors to rework thesis into journal articles, since a lot of interesting thesis work is often not published.
  • All authors must be aware of the submission and have made a significant contribution to the text itself. People who led the lab or arranged research funding can be mentioned in the text but should not be listed as authors.

For any question about the submission process, please get in touch via our contact form.


We aim to use open source and creative commons where possible. The CSRJ LaTeX is template is free to use. It is licensed under creative commons and is based on the achemso class originally developed by Mats Dahlgren, Joseph Wright and Overleaf and partly derives from cite.sty. We use icons from nounproject, especially the Robotics collection from Laymik.