Blog data protection

ISO27002:2022 explained – Technological controls

In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 8 – Technological controls. This covers the controls required to set up and maintain secure technological systems, particularly focusing on secure systems, development and code management. This is the last article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: organization controls (chapter 5)…

Sieuwert van Otterloo

Decision time: Brexit options for EU Institutions

The European Data Protection Supervisor, or EDPS for short, supervises the compliance of EU Institutions and bodies to the GDPR. For this reason, most of the EDPS’ publications are not that interesting for most private parties. Lately, however, the EDPS published a statement that, given the current chaos surrounding Brexit is an interesting and perhaps…

Joost Krapels

Europe’s Data Protection Authorities

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, called for national or regional Supervisory Authorities to be erected since the European Commission cannot keep an eye on all member states at the same time. The processing of personal data does not always stay within country borders anymore, meaning that multiple Supervisory Authorities can be involved, which…

Joost Krapels
GDPR in ten steps

10 step guide for GDPR / Privacy compliance

Privacy is becoming a larger topic by the day, and there is a good reason for it. As of May 25 2018, all companies in EU Member States that interact with Personal Data have to abide by the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR for short, AVG in Dutch). Based on the 10-step summary by…

Joost Krapels