Author Joost Krapels

Author: Joost Krapels
Joost Krapels has completed his BSc. Artificial Intelligence and MSc. Information Sciences at the VU Amsterdam. Within ICT Institute, Joost provides IT advice to clients, advises clients on Security and Privacy, and further develops our internal tools and templates.

Free CISSP 2018 body of knowledge study template

The Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) certification is a way for security engineers, managers, executives, and consultants to show they have a firm grasp of the technical and organizational aspects of Information Security. The official study guide provided by (ISC)², the organization behind CISSP, contains 948 pages of study material divided over eight domains….

Joost Krapels

Cookies: the yes, the no, and the maybe

They are impossible to escape these days: cookies. Sometimes accompanied by a impenetrable cookie wall, a large banner, a small information bar, or nothing at all. Cookies allow certain website features, traffic analysis, and marketing. What is and is not allowed is not always clear, which many websites use to their advantage. In this article…

Joost Krapels

Coursera machine learning course

The Coursera Machine Learning course by Stanford University is a great advanced course on Artificial Intelligence. If you are interested in becoming an AI expert, you fortunately do not need to pursue a bachelor, master, or PhD in AI to learn what terms like Intelligent Agents, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks mean. In this article…

Joost Krapels

Decision time: Brexit options for EU Institutions

The European Data Protection Supervisor, or EDPS for short, supervises the compliance of EU Institutions and bodies to the GDPR. For this reason, most of the EDPS’ publications are not that interesting for most private parties. Lately, however, the EDPS published a statement that, given the current chaos surrounding Brexit is an interesting and perhaps…

Joost Krapels

Information Security – Incident management & template incident register

Information Security is a continuous effort; staff handling information needs to be trained regularly, systems need updating to remain secure, assets and risks change, and incidents need addressing. A complete risk register gives you a good idea of what might happen, but without a plan for both anticipated and unanticipated incidents there is a good…

Joost Krapels