Blog ISO 27002:2022
ISO27002:2022 explained – Technological controls
In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 8 – Technological controls. This covers the controls required to set up and maintain secure technological systems, particularly focusing on secure systems, development and code management. This is the last article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: organization controls (chapter 5)…
Suzanne AtkinsISO27002:2022 explained – Physical controls
In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 7 – Physical controls. This covers the controls necessary to protect information from physical threats. This is the third article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: organization controls (chapter 5) people controls (chapter 6) physical controls (chapter 7)- This article technological…
Suzanne AtkinsISO27002:2022 explained – People controls
In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 6 – People controls. This covers the controls required for secure human resources management. This is the second article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: Organization controls (chapter 5) People controls (chapter 6) – This article Physical controls (chapter 7) Technological…
Suzanne AtkinsISO27002:2022 explained – Organizational controls
The information security standard ISO 27001 consists of a main structure and an annex of recommended controls. The recommended controls are further explained in an additional standard ISO 27002. The main structure explains how a well-functioning ISMS (Information Security Management System) should be set up and maintained. The controls are specific actions that organisations should…
Joost Krapels