Blog Privacy

Privacy statement generators: a comparison
All organizations processing personal data, even the ones without an in-house privacy expert, are required to disclose information on this processing. Most organizations do this through a privacy statement on their website. Several websites offer a free privacy statement generator, but do these actually produce valid privacy statements? In this article, we summarize the research…
Joost Krapels
GDPR template joint controllership agreement
When two companies process personal data together in an equal relationship, they must sign a join controllership agreement, We made a free template for such an agreement.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
How to use Standard Contractual Clauses
When you process personal data outside of the reach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), additional safeguards are required to ensure the same level of data protection as in Europe. One of the ways to do this, is by using a model contract approved by the European Commission: the so-called standard contractual clauses (SCCs)….
Jelle Hoekstra
Privacy management with ISO 27701
Accountability is a central principle in theĀ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This data protection principle creates the obligation to be able to demonstrate compliance. Simply doing your best to comply isn’t enough, but ‘appropriate technical and organizational measures’ have to be taken. Some form a privacy management system has to be in place to demonstrate…
Jelle Hoekstra
Cookies: the yes, the no, and the maybe
They are impossible to escape these days: cookies. Sometimes accompanied by a impenetrable cookie wall, a large banner, a small information bar, or nothing at all. Cookies allow certain website features, traffic analysis, and marketing. What is and is not allowed is not always clear, which many websites use to their advantage. In this article…
Joost Krapels