Blog Security

Training implementing ISO 27001 with certificate

If you work in a security team that uses the standard ISO 27001, it is useful to complete a formal ISO 27001 training so that you use the standard correctly. We are now offering a short course that covers the fundamentals of information security based on ISO 27001.

Sieuwert van Otterloo

ISO 27001 technological controls for software development

The latest version of ISO 27001 contains multiple controls about secure development, engineering, coding and testing that seem to overlap. In this article we provide guidance how to implement these controls. The overlapping controls explained are 8.25, 8.26, 8.27 and 8.28. We also cover 8.31 and 8.33 (test environments and test information).

Sieuwert van Otterloo

ITIL and service management: a short introduction

ITIL, the standard for service management, is an important standard for people who want to understand how IT is used in practice. It is especially important for professionals that want to grow beyond software development into IT management, since it complements software development really well.

Sieuwert van Otterloo

open standard Security Verified updated

Last month (feb 2024), the 2024 version of the open information security standard ‘Security Verified’ was released. This new version contains small changes to make it more readable and easier to combine with the latest version of ISO 27001.

Sieuwert van Otterloo

NOREA recommends CIS controls against ransomware

NOREA, the Dutch professional organisation of IT auditors, has conducted a study into a framework for ransomware measures, in response to the increasing ransomware attacks that have been reported in the news, both internationally and in the Netherlands. The use of ransomware has been around for quite some time, however it is very evident that…

Sieuwert van Otterloo