Blog Security

Information Security at Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure forms, together with Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud, The Big Three; the three largest cloud providers. Their clients store tons of data, making the web services vital to many operational processes. Securing that data is critical, which Microsoft more than agrees with. They have made a lot of information and documentation available,…

Joost Krapels

Information Security at Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services forms, together with Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure,  The Big Three; the three largest cloud providers. Their clients store tons of data, making the web services vital to their company. To help with information security, Amazon provides many features and allows for a lot of APIs. They have thousands of pages of…

Joost Krapels

Facebook Personal Data Breach, the aftermath

On september 28 2018, Facebook published a statement saying a security breach had taken place earlier that week, having brought the personal data of 50 million users in jeopardy. The personal data breach has been reported to the Irish information supervisory authority, but does this mean the story is over?

Joost Krapels

More sessions for GDPR course and ISO 27001 courses

Due to continued interest in our easy and pragmatic security training, which led to adding a few more sessions. For the 1-day GDPR/Privacy training (in Dutch) there is a new session on Nov 12th, 2018. For the ISO Introduction training and the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training there will be sessions starting on 7 January…

Floris van den Broek

ISO27002 and Statement of Applicability explained

The international information security standard ISO27001 is known by many. But what is the illusive ISO27002 that is often mentioned alongside it? ICT Institute has created a series of articles to explain the lesser known ISO27002 standard in more detail. You could use this overview to prepare yourself for ISO27001 certification or just to refresh…

Joost Krapels