Blog thesis

Does your company have research projects for computer science students?
We are looking for innovative companies, in the Netherlands, with data-driven teams involved in security, AI or other research that are willing to provide a business problem to solve and an in-house supervisor. In return the companies will get a small team (2-3 third year computer science students) that will apply state of the art…
Pavlo Burda
VU university business track research projects
The Vrije Universiteit Business Track is a novel way for third year Computer Science students to complete their thesis. Instead of working individually on a purely academic problem, in this track they will work in small groups on a real business problem at a real company. We are looking for eight innovative companies with a…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Evaluating risk management methods for software projects
In order to complete a software project on time, one should do risk management and take the right measures to mitigate all likely risks. Several attempts have been made to identify typical project risks and recommended measures. One of the latest attempts was made by ICTU and NEN, in the standard NPR 5326. Saskia Woortman…
Sieuwert van Otterloo