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ICT Institute is ISO 27001 certified
ICT Institute has a ISO 27001-certified information security management system. After helping many other companies, we decided that we should ‘eat our own advice”. We used our own templates and workshop material to create procedures for our own company. We have been certified in December 2021 and will be reaudited every year.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Plans for 2021
2020 has been a successful year for ICT Institute, despite the challenging circumstances. We would like to thank all clients who decided to work with us, and are grateful that we could do our work remotely. Hopefully 2021 will bring relief for the people whose life and work has been disrupted.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Recommended startup contract template
Startups play an important role in our increasingly digital world. There are many succes stories, studies show that most new businesses fail in their first years. One of the top reasons for this failure is conflict in startup teams. It is especially devastating for a startup company when the founders are involved. In order to prevent…
Jelle Hoekstra
Research internships at ICT Institute
ICT Institute has several research internships available for talented university students, in the areas of software engineering, privacy, AI and ethics, and other IT-business/legal areas. ICT Institute offers unique access to business data, multiple senior researchers to support and supervise you, as well as financial support. You can apply year round, depending on your academic…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Lectures and talks
This article present a short overview of the public lectures, talks and other knowledge contributions from the ICT Institute team in 2018. We have included all IT knowledge contributions from our team members, so not all talks were given as ‘ICT Institute’. We have added individual names and topics, in case you would like to…
Sieuwert van Otterloo