Lectures and talks
| Sieuwert van Otterloo |

This article present a short overview of the public lectures, talks and other knowledge contributions from the ICT Institute team in 2018. We have included all IT knowledge contributions from our team members, so not all talks were given as ‘ICT Institute’. We have added individual names and topics, in case you would like to contact the presenter. Links to additional material are included when available.
Academic courses
Nico Brand: When not advising on IT strategy or conducting IT reviews, Nico Brand is lecturer at Utrecht University. In 2018 he taught the following courses:
- Strategisch Management Organisatie en ICT
- Knowledge Management
- Agile Systeemontwikkeling
Joost Schalken is lecturer at Hogeschool Windesheim. Courses taught in 2018 include C/C++, Design Patterns and Software Engineering for Embedded Systems.
Joost Schalken and Sieuwert van Otterloo taught the course ‘software project management’ at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The course content is described in a series of blog posts, starting with project management 1: vision. New this year was a secure on (gender) Bias in algorithms.This course included three guest lectures:
- Guest lecture by Paul Beelen on Project portolio management.
- Guest talk by Joost Krapels on GDPR as part of our GDPR-inspired lecture on project management privacy issues.
- Guest talk by Jeroen Arnoldus on software development best practices.
Invited talks and guest lectures
Note: if you are looking for experienced speaker on an IT related topics, do not hesitate to contact us. We like to make knowledge contributions whenever we can.
- Joost Schalken: Guest lecture on Design Patterns at Northeastern University in Shenyang
- Floris van den Broek gave a presentation on the cyber issues of the ‘Sleepwet’ in De Balie in February 2018.
- Stefan Leijnen: Invited talk on deep learning and ethical implications, RAS Conference, June 2018
Star Island, NH, USA. - Nico Brand: ‘Lean Workshop, how to change in 1 day’. Guest lecture at Nijenrode Universiteit
- Stefan Leijnen, sept 4: Invited technical introduction to deep learning
Workshop on Advanced Data Analytics for Energy Systems, September 2018
Porto, Portugal - Sieuwert van Otterloo: AVG/GDPR in de praktijk at the NVBI (together with Nico Keijser)
Invited talk for the NVBI. - Joost Krapels defended his master thesis ‘ An automated rule based system for checking GDPR compliance’ based on his internship at ICT Institute.
- Sieuwert van Otterloo – lecture ‘business process mining’ 31 october, Utrecht University
- Sieuwert van Otterloo: The Expert role in international legal cases (together with Hans Mulder, Jacques Honkoop, Arno van Veen). Presentation and panel discussion at the annual symposium of the Dutch Register for Certified Court Experts LRGD.
- Floris van den Broek held a presentation on 22 November 2018 at the White collar Crime Tech Event 2018 in Amsterdam. The presentation can be downloaded here: Presentation ICTI WCCT
For more talks, also see the previous overview of talks and lectures.
Open source contributions
At ICT Institute we are strong proponents of the idea of open and free knowledge sharing. Whenever possible we try to use open standards, open software and publicly available sources. We wish we could give back more. Two members have made contributions:
- Wiebe Tijsma is one of the developers maintaining easynetq, an easy to use .NET API for RabbitMQ, It is available at https://github.com/easynetq
- Sieuwert van Otterloo has also started uploading photos to Unsplash. Unsplash is one of our sources for freely usable photos (along with wikimedia, pexels and google search for creative commons photos).
Lead image source: Wikipedia – Rafael School of Athens

Dr. Sieuwert van Otterloo is a court-certified IT expert with interests in agile, security, software research and IT-contracts.