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Decision time: Brexit options for EU Institutions
The European Data Protection Supervisor, or EDPS for short, supervises the compliance of EU Institutions and bodies to the GDPR. For this reason, most of the EDPS’ publications are not that interesting for most private parties. Lately, however, the EDPS published a statement that, given the current chaos surrounding Brexit is an interesting and perhaps…
Joost Krapels
Facebook Personal Data Breach, the aftermath
On september 28 2018, Facebook published a statement saying a security breach had taken place earlier that week, having brought the personal data of 50 million users in jeopardy. The personal data breach has been reported to the Irish information supervisory authority, but does this mean the story is over?
Joost Krapels
More sessions for GDPR course and ISO 27001 courses
Due to continued interest in our easy and pragmatic security training, which led to adding a few more sessions. For the 1-day GDPR/Privacy training (in Dutch) there is a new session on Nov 12th, 2018. For the ISO Introduction training and the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training there will be sessions starting on 7 January…
Floris van den Broek
Europe’s Data Protection Authorities
The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, called for national or regional Supervisory Authorities to be erected since the European Commission cannot keep an eye on all member states at the same time. The processing of personal data does not always stay within country borders anymore, meaning that multiple Supervisory Authorities can be involved, which…
Joost Krapels
ISO 27001 Introductory course – 15/16 Oct 2018
Have you thought about taking an ISO 27001 training, but would just like to start with the simple introduction? And would you like to have an option to get a Lead Auditor certificate by just taking a few more days extra training? Our new course offers just that! ICT Institute helps you to make ISO…
Floris van den Broek