Blog AVG
ISO27002:2022 explained – Technological controls
In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 8 – Technological controls. This covers the controls required to set up and maintain secure technological systems, particularly focusing on secure systems, development and code management. This is the last article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: organization controls (chapter 5)…
Sieuwert van OtterlooICT Institute training overview 2019
For 2019 we have fixed the following dates: AVG/GDPR training (one day, in Dutch language) is planned on 18 January, 20 March, 11 September, 18 October and 29 November. ISO 27001 Introduction training will be on 14-15 May. The course is in English, with a Dutch trainer present also. More information on the ISO courses…
Floris van den BroekGDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment – free template
Under the new General Data Protection Regulation, it is mandatory to perform a DPIA in certain circumstances. This is an assessment in which you determine the impact of a personal data processing activity before commencing with it. We have created a DPIA template to aid in this compulsory review, which includes all mandatory elements and…
Joost KrapelsGDPR register of processing activities – free template
Under the new privacy rules (English: GDPR, Dutch: AVG) it is compulsory for most organizations to keep a register of processing activities. At ICT Institute we have created a template / example based on the guidelines of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. This template is available free of charge and can be downloaded here.
Joost KrapelsFacebook Personal Data Breach, the aftermath
On september 28 2018, Facebook published a statement saying a security breach had taken place earlier that week, having brought the personal data of 50 million users in jeopardy. The personal data breach has been reported to the Irish information supervisory authority, but does this mean the story is over?
Joost Krapels