Free Template Data Processing Agreement
A data processing agreement(DPA) is required under GDPR when one organisations shares its personal data with a supplier or business partner. We created a free template that contains all required elements for a basic data processing agreement.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Cookies: the yes, the no, and the maybe
They are impossible to escape these days: cookies. Sometimes accompanied by a impenetrable cookie wall, a large banner, a small information bar, or nothing at all. Cookies allow certain website features, traffic analysis, and marketing. What is and is not allowed is not always clear, which many websites use to their advantage. In this article…
Joost Krapels
GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment – free template
Under the new General Data Protection Regulation, it is mandatory to perform a DPIA in certain circumstances. This is an assessment in which you determine the impact of a personal data processing activity before commencing with it. We have created a DPIA template to aid in this compulsory review, which includes all mandatory elements and…
Joost Krapels
GDPR register of processing activities – free template
Under the new privacy rules (English: GDPR, Dutch: AVG) it is compulsory for most organizations to keep a register of processing activities. At ICT Institute we have created a template / example based on the guidelines of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. This template is available free of charge and can be downloaded here.
Joost Krapels
Facebook Personal Data Breach, the aftermath
On september 28 2018, Facebook published a statement saying a security breach had taken place earlier that week, having brought the personal data of 50 million users in jeopardy. The personal data breach has been reported to the Irish information supervisory authority, but does this mean the story is over?
Joost Krapels