Blog ICT institute

Public perception on the responsibility for incidents involving autonomous vehicles This paper has been published in the “Computer and Society Research Journal“, a free to publish, open access journal for socially relevant computer science research. PDF Download Download the full article for free Abstract We conducted a survey to investigate the public perception of the blame for incidents where autonomous vehicles (AVs) make poor…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
New office at Europalaan 400 Utrecht
The main office of ICT Institute is at Europalaan 400 in Utrecht. This office is used for meetings and workshops.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
New office Utrecht
As of Dec 1st 2018, our office is located at Europalaan 400 in Utrecht. See this article for the office description, including instructions on how to get there. Postal address Our postal addresses are unchanged. We have a postal address in Amsterdam (Polaklaan) and Utrecht (Kees van Bohemenhof). These are permanent addresses and details are…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
2016 in review and drinks on January 12
2016 was a very interesting and successful year for ICT Institute and we would like to thank everyone involved with a New Year’s reception on January. Interested? Read about the highlights in this review article and mail us for an invitation for the drinks.
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Secure transfer of source code
ICT Institute often receives source code and other filesĀ for analysis. If you are working with us and want to send us code, there are the guidelines.
Sieuwert van Otterloo