Blog impact assessment

The Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment
Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is no longer future tech. Systems that can perform certain tasks better than humans can do inheretly bring risks with them. Important decisions might be made by machines instead of a human beings, we might be tracked in ways previously impossible, and intelligent systems could replace certain human jobs….
Joost Krapels
GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment – free template
Under the new General Data Protection Regulation, it is mandatory to perform a DPIA in certain circumstances. This is an assessment in which you determine the impact of a personal data processing activity before commencing with it. We have created a DPIA template to aid in this compulsory review, which includes all mandatory elements and…
Joost Krapels
Free GDPR and information security templates
We appreciate it when organisations try to take steps towards GDPR compliance and information security. Therefore we share the templates that we have made for common documents. Each template comes with instructions so that you can fill them in yourself.
Sieuwert van Otterloo