Blog training
CISA explanation and practice questions
CISA (certified information systems auditor) is a professional certificate for IT auditors. To become CISA you have to complete the exam and become ISACA member. To help you understand what CISA is about, we made a small test with exam level questions.
Sieuwert van OtterlooICT Institute training overview 2019
For 2019 we have fixed the following dates: AVG/GDPR training (one day, in Dutch language) is planned on 18 January, 20 March, 11 September, 18 October and 29 November. ISO 27001 Introduction training will be on 14-15 May. The course is in English, with a Dutch trainer present also. More information on the ISO courses…
Floris van den BroekMore sessions for GDPR course and ISO 27001 courses
Due to continued interest in our easy and pragmatic security training, which led to adding a few more sessions. For the 1-day GDPR/Privacy training (in Dutch) there is a new session on Nov 12th, 2018. For the ISO Introduction training and the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training there will be sessions starting on 7 January…
Floris van den BroekAll candidates pass the ISO 27001 lead auditor exam
Congratulation to the candidates of our recent ISO 27001 lead auditor course. All candidates (Jan-Jasper, Joost, Floris, Sieuwert) that participate in this five day course have passed the exam. They can now call themselves IRCA certified information security auditors and are well equipped for key roles in information security teams.
Sieuwert van OtterlooUsing the agile principles in a scrum workshop or retrospective
Asking team members to rate themselves against the 12 agile principles it a very interesting and useful exercise during a scrum workshop or retrospective. With ICT Institute we are occasionally asked to lead a ‘scrum update’ workshop: a training for teams that already know wand do scrum, but like to do it better. Especially in these…
Sieuwert van Otterloo