Team Floris van den Broek

Floris van den Broek holds a PhD in Information Systems in Delft and has an MBA from the University of Berkeley. He has worked in the management of AT&T, Philips and Software Improvement Group. He is co-founder of the ICT Institute and responsible for business development and partnerships. In addition to his work for the ICT Institute, Floris advises and supports startups and growth companies in the field of cyber security, fintech or software, especially ISO 27001 audits, such as on the topic of incident response. He is also involved in IT Due Diligence, mainly what software does, what it can deliver and whether developers have the right expertise. Floris therefore always tries to stay up to date when it comes to cybersecurity.


  • Sales and business development
  • IT Due Diligence
  • Interim / growth CFO en CEO, a.o. at Redsocks (currently Bitdefender NL)


Floris van den Broek: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/florisvdb