Author Floris van den Broek

Author: Floris van den Broek
Dr. Floris van den Broek received his PhD in Computer Science at TU Delft and his Masters of business Administration at  University of California, Berkeley. He is advisory board member at ICT Institute.

What are the Spectre and Meltdown threats?

Security researchers have recently uncovered security issues known as Meltdown and Spectre. These issues apply to all modern processors and allow attackers to gain read access to parts of memory that were meant to be secret. To initiate a Spectre- or Meltdown-based attack, the attacker must be able to run code on the victim’s processor. What are Spectre and…

Floris van den Broek

ISO 27001 Training planned for 15/16 Oct 2018

Due to the success of the recent training Lead Auditor training  ISO 27001, we will organise another session in April 2018. The training is not only for auditors, but for anyone who will be involved in ISO 27001 and students in this course have rated it top for both auditors, IT department members end users and…

Floris van den Broek

ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training November 20-23

It is important and often mandatory for organisation with a security policy to provide the right training to all key roles involved in information security and privacy. One key role in security policies is internal auditor, and we recommend the ISO 27001 lead auditor course for anyone involved in the internal audit programme. This is…

Floris van den Broek

ISMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training

ICT Institute organises the ISMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Training from 15-19 May in Amsterdam. This training is officially certified by CQI/IRCA (Chartered Quality Institute / International Register of Certified Auditors). CQI/IRCA is the world’s largest international certification body for auditors of management systems. Interested attendees may contact ICT Institute for details. Prior auditing experience and training is…

Floris van den Broek

ICT in Banking – ‘The Banana Skin Report breakthrough’

The ‘Banana Skins’ Reports are unique annual surveys about risks in the financial industry. The report is commissioned each year by PWC and carried out by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation. There are actual two versions: a banking banana skins report 2021 and an insurance report. both versions are very interesting reads for anyone in the financial…

Floris van den Broek