Blog ISO

ISO27002:2022 explained – Technological controls

In this article, we explain the new ISO 27002:2022 chapter 8 – Technological controls. This covers the controls required to set up and maintain secure technological systems, particularly focusing on secure systems, development and code management. This is the last article in a series of four, each article covering one chapter: organization controls (chapter 5)…

Suzanne Atkins

ISO27002:2022 explained – Organizational controls

The information security standard ISO 27001 consists of a main structure and an annex of recommended controls. The recommended controls are further explained in an additional standard ISO 27002. The main structure explains how a well-functioning ISMS (Information Security Management System) should be set up and maintained. The controls are specific actions that organisations should…

Joost Krapels

ISO27002:2022 – what’s new?

ISO 27001:2013, a certification standard for Information Security Management systems, uses an extensive list of example control measures that organisations have to comply with, or explain the control is not applicable (comply or explain). This list of 114 controls is elaborated on in ISO 27002, showing how to implement them in practice. After eight years,…

Joost Krapels

ICT Institute training overview 2019

For 2019 we have fixed the following dates: AVG/GDPR training (one day, in Dutch language) is planned on 18 January, 20 March, 11 September, 18 October and 29 November. ISO 27001 Introduction training will be on 14-15 May.  The course is in English, with a Dutch trainer present also. More information on the ISO courses…

Floris van den Broek

More sessions for GDPR course and ISO 27001 courses

Due to continued interest in our easy and pragmatic security training, which led to adding a few more sessions. For the 1-day GDPR/Privacy training (in Dutch) there is a new session on Nov 12th, 2018. For the ISO Introduction training and the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training there will be sessions starting on 7 January…

Floris van den Broek