Blog python

Comparing cloud AI services against open source libraries for face detection
The three large cloud companies Google, Microsoft and Amazon offer cloud services for many AI tasks. Using these services has practical benefits but also strategic risks: when using a service, you have less control over your AI use. In order to gain insight into the pros and cons of AI services, Elif Kalkan has done…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Staying up to date with python – research survey
Python is one of the most used programming languages: thousands of developers use the language and its frameworks of libraries for new IT systems. The language itself and the various libraries and frameworks are frequently updated and this causes legacy issues: Systems must be changed to work with the latest frameworks,or become vulnerable to security…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Summer school AI and machine learning
In June 2021 we taught a one week summerschool at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. In this article we outline how this week was set up and share some of the lecture material. (note: for the 2022 edition, check this article on the Utrecht Housing Dataset)
Sieuwert van Otterloo