ISO 27001 Training planned for 15/16 Oct 2018

| Floris van den Broek | Security

Due to the success of the recent training Lead Auditor training  ISO 27001, we will organise another session in April 2018. The training is not only for auditors, but for anyone who will be involved in ISO 27001 and students in this course have rated it top for both auditors, IT department members end users and anyone having an interest in being prepared for regulation like GDPR. This fully accredited course equips you with the skills to succeed and score well in an audit.

It helps you conduct second-party (supplier) and third-party (external and certification) audits. Work as a lead auditor, lead a team of auditors and achieve compliance with ISO 27001. Details of the training can be found here.  Registration for the course can be done here. The course is taught in a small group and there is strong personal teacher attention and help. The training will be led by Philip Ku, an international expert in security auditing.

Nico Brand (former student in the ICT Institute course for ISO 27001): “I can recommend this course to anyone who needs anything to do with ISO 27001 and it even includes the official qualification. The trainer, exam and lessons are amazing. As a trainer myself, I have to say this is one of the best courses I have ever attended.”

Image credit: startupphotos





Author: Floris van den Broek
Dr. Floris van den Broek received his PhD in Computer Science at TU Delft and his Masters of business Administration at  University of California, Berkeley. He is advisory board member at ICT Institute.