ISO 27001 Introductory course – 15/16 Oct 2018
| Floris van den Broek |

Have you thought about taking an ISO 27001 training, but would just like to start with the simple introduction? And would you like to have an option to get a Lead Auditor certificate by just taking a few more days extra training?
Our new course offers just that!
ICT Institute helps you to make ISO 27001 a living process in your organization. Not a goal in itself, but a real secure organization and IT systems. Getting the ISO 27001 certificate also shows your status of a certified organization also to external parties, often with very positive impact.
ICT Institute is known for its pragmatic approach and for its help to quickly approach matters that work well and matters that can be improved. Several ways of working and standard procedures will be shown. We also supply ‘Best Practice’ sample documents, so you’ll hit the ground running in any ISO 27001 project.
The next dates for the course are 15-16 October 2018 and will be at our training center at Europalaan 12, Utrecht. Registration can be done here. The cost is only €1000 for the introductory course and an additional €2000 for the Lead Auditor training including exam and official IRCA certification.
Would you like to stay on for the actual full Lead Auditor training including certificate of Lead Auditor, you would need 17-18 October as well, plus the morning of October 19 for the exam.
Image credits: Pexels. CC0 license. No attribution

Dr. Floris van den Broek received his PhD in Computer Science at TU Delft and his Masters of business Administration at University of California, Berkeley. He is advisory board member at ICT Institute.