Publications and Presentations

The people from ICT Institute are active as authors and speakers in many IT-related areas. This page provides an overview of recent contributions.
Book publications
- Sieuwert van Otterloo, 2022. “Heeft een cyberverzekering tegen digitale criminaliteit zin?”. Chapter in the book: “Multidisciplinaire aspecten van digital security“, uitgeverij deLex.
- Sieuwert van Otterloo, 2020. Code review of the Covid19 app. Chapter in the book ‘Multidisciplinary aspects of Covid19’. Full chapter. Book information on
- Sieuwert van Otterloo (co-author), 2019. Praktijkrichtlijn risicobeheersing voor maatwerksoftware (NPR 5326). More information. You can download this standard for free from NEN.
- Sieuwert van Otterloo (co-author), 2019. Multidisciplinaire aspecten van artificial intelligence. Book information on
- Stefan Leijnen (co-author), 2018: AI impact assessment. Assessment tool developed by ECP for the responsible use of AI.
Article publications
- Stefan Leijnen (co-author), 2021. Exploring explainable AI in the financial sector. White paper published at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.
- Suzanne Atkins, Sieuwert van Otterloo, 2021. Research article “Applying Ethical AI Frameworks in practice: Evaluating conversational AI chatbot solutions” .
- Suzanne Atkins, Sieuwert van Otterloo, 2021. Research article “Public perception on the responsibility for incidents involving autonomous vehicles“
- Sieuwert van Otterloo and Stefan Leijnen, Nov 2022, Utrecht. Lecture at Platform voor Informatiebeveiliging, topic: Artificial Intelligence, Opportunity or threat. Download the presentation (Dutch).
- Sieuwert van Otterloo, May 2022, Utrecht. Lezing on AI (AI: balanceren tussen veiligheid en innovatie). More information and presentation via the link.
- Nico Brand, 2018 – 2021 (and ongoing): Guest lecturer at Nijenrode, topic ‘Lean Workshop, how to change in 1 day’.
- Stefan Leijnen, Utrecht, 6 dec 2021; Public lecture at the Utrecht Univeristy of Applied sciences. Topic: Artificial Intelligence: the human in the computer and the computer in the human.
- Sieuwert van Otterloo and Stefan Leijnen, July 2021, Utrecht. Summerschool on AI and Machine learning. More information.
- Stefan Leijnen, Amsterdam, feb 2021, World Economic Forum. Invited talk: Here’s what you need to know about the new AI ‘arms race’
- Various students, 2018-2021. Multiple students have completed their graduation research at ICT Institute. See this list of master thesis research.
- Stefan Leijnen, 2018: Invited talk on deep learning and ethical implications, RAS Conference.
Star Island, NH, USA. - Stefan Leijnen, sept 2018: Invited technical introduction to deep learning Workshop on Advanced Data Analytics for Energy Systems,
- Sieuwert van Otterloo, 2018. “The Expert role in international legal cases” (together with Hans Mulder, Jacques Honkoop, Arno van Veen). Presentation and panel discussion at the annual symposium of the Dutch Register for Certified Court Experts LRGD.
For older lectures, see this lectures and talks 2018 page and the oldest lectures 2016 page. For more information about all the experience and expertise we have at ICT Institute, see the list of completed projects and team.
Other media
- Tom Hastjarjanto is a contributor to the following open source project on github: Eslint plugin for react native
- Wiebe Tijsma is one of the developers maintaining easynetq, an easy to use .NET API for RabbitMQ, It is available at
- Sieuwert van Otterloo has also started uploading photos to Unsplash. Unsplash is one of our sources for freely usable photos (along with wikimedia, pexels and google search for creative commons photos).
Img src: robinson-recalde via Unsplash