Blog Artificial Intelligence

Applying Ethical AI Frameworks in practice: Evaluating conversational AI chatbot solutions

https://doi.org/10.54822/QXOM4114 This paper has been published in the “Computer and Society Research Journal“, a free to publish, open access journal for socially relevant computer science research. PDF Download Read full article for free Abstract Ethical AI frameworks are designed to encourage the accountability, responsibility and transparency of AI applications. They provide principles for ethical design….

Suzanne Atkins

Summer school AI and machine learning

In June 2021  we taught a one week summerschool at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences.  In this article we outline how this week was set up and share some of the lecture material. (note: for the 2022 edition, check this article on the Utrecht Housing Dataset)

Sieuwert van Otterloo

Effective learning analytics for higher education

Most universities use online learning platforms, either to support in-person classes or as the main channel for communication with students. These platforms collect data and statistics that could be used to optimize the learning process: The term ‘learning analytics’ was introduced in 2011 to denote this promising use of learning data. Despite its promises, learning…

Sieuwert van Otterloo

AI, Machine Learning and neural networks explained

This summer, we were invited by the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences to explain artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks.In a one hour webinar, we used python to train an actual neural network, showed the audience what can go wrong and how to fix it, with time left for discussing the ethical implications of…

Sieuwert van Otterloo

History of Artificial Intelligence: The Turing test

Now that most events and meetings are cancelled due to the Covid19 quarantine measures, I thought it would be interesting to share some reading material. My first recommended pick is the article that started the field of Artificial Intelligence: Alan Turing’s paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’, published in Mind in 1950.

Sieuwert van Otterloo