Blog AI

Comparing cloud AI services against open source libraries for face detection
The three large cloud companies Google, Microsoft and Amazon offer cloud services for many AI tasks. Using these services has practical benefits but also strategic risks: when using a service, you have less control over your AI use. In order to gain insight into the pros and cons of AI services, Elif Kalkan has done…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
The Utrecht housing dataset – example dataset for prediction
The Utrecht housing dataset is a freely available dataset that can be used by students to learn about data science and machine learning. It is suitable for multiple techniques, including decision trees, linear regression, logistic regression and neural networks. Note: the dataset was updated in 2025, see a detailed description of the latest 2025 version…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
Using AI to count all the solar panels in the world
One photovoltaic solar energy generating unit, two photovoltaic solar energy generating units… Solar power generation is one option for decarbonising electricity production. However, if we don’t know how many solar panels there are in the world and where they are, we’re missing a piece of information about how well we are doing with with regard…
Suzanne Atkins
Public perception on the responsibility for incidents involving autonomous vehicles This paper has been published in the “Computer and Society Research Journal“, a free to publish, open access journal for socially relevant computer science research. PDF Download Download the full article for free Abstract We conducted a survey to investigate the public perception of the blame for incidents where autonomous vehicles (AVs) make poor…
Sieuwert van Otterloo
AI, Machine Learning and neural networks explained
This summer, we were invited by the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences to explain artificial intelligence, machine learning and neural networks.In a one hour webinar, we used python to train an actual neural network, showed the audience what can go wrong and how to fix it, with time left for discussing the ethical implications of…
Sieuwert van Otterloo